Be in control of your birth environment.

Caucasian woman holding newborn in her home
Caucasian woman in birthing pool

The benefits of giving birth in your home

Heather and Magen provide personalized, in-home pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum care that is empowering and supportive of your decisions! When you start care with either Heather or Magen, that is the only midwife you will see throughout your whole pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum experience! We believe that seeing the same midwife from start to finish helps foster a relationship built on trust and this brings about the best outcomes and satisfaction for moms and their babies.

  • Freedom of movement- we cater to your needs, not the other way around

  • Evidenced-based monitoring protocols for you and your baby that are safe and offer minimal disruption to the labor process and bonding experience with baby

  • Water birth option

  • Immediate skin to skin time with baby for at minimum 1 hour

  • Delayed cord clamping

  • Support with initial stages of breastfeeding

  • A shower 1-2 hours after giving birth so you can feel refreshed and clean

  • 3 hours of post-birth care to make sure you and baby are both transitioning well

Learn more about how we work.

newborn in birthing cloth

Home birth

  • In-home prenatal care

    Hour-long visits provided in the comfort of your home. No wait times. Blood work is done at home- no trips to the lab and fees are included in the package price.

    Care starts at 12 weeks, then routine visits are at 17, 22, 27, 32, 35, 37, 39, 40, 41 weeks. You’ll have direct access to Heather throughout pregnancy for any questions or concerns through phone or email.

  • Labor and Birth

    Vital signs and fetal heart rate are continually assessed throughout labor. This includes a birth assistant. Cervical checks are done when desired or if necessary to understand progress of labor and are kept to a minimum. You’ll be getting plenty of labor support to fit the plan we created together during your pregnancy.

    Birth pools are highly recommended for comfort and relaxation and are included in the package price. You can also choose to have a water birth!

  • In-home postpartum and newborn care

    Each visit consists of assessments and education for both mom and baby. This means that your baby doesn’t need to see a pediatrician until they are 2 months old, unless there is a problem or concern.

    Visits occur at 48 hours post birth, 1 week, an optional 2 week visit or virtual call, and a 6 week final visit. This also includes direct access by phone or email the entire 6 weeks of postpartum care so no question goes unanswered.

  • Safety measures

    Safety is a huge priority. Heather and Magen bring lots of supplies, medications, and equipment in case of a postpartum hemorrhage or newborn resuscitation, in the chance those need to be treated. They both always carries oxygen and her birth assistants are CPR certified for adults and babies.

    Heather and Magen also coordinate with each client’s EMS to make sure they are educated on obstetric emergencies in the rare event one would occur at home and a transfer be required.


Home Birth Package:



-Up to 10 in-home prenatal visits

-22 week in-home fetal anatomy ultrasound

-All routine bloodwork and cultures (does not include genetic or gender testing)

-Labor and birth professional services with 3 hours of post birth care

-Birth pool

-3 in-home postpartum and newborn visits

-PKU metabolic newborn screening

-Birth certificate and social security card filing

-Direct access to Heather or Magen via email and phone throughout duration of care

midwife checking her birthing pack
home birth supplies
Midwifery supplies
Staunton VA midwife assisting with at-home birth
Heather Soper, nurse midwife
pregnant woman with midwife