Home birth Certified Nurse Midwife Lynchburg, Virginia

Serving Lynchburg and surrounding areas

Caucasian woman forming a heart with her hands on her pregnant stomach

Experience a pregnancy and home birth the way you want it to be!

The time has come for women to have more control over their pregnancy and healthcare choices! It’s your body and your baby.

Your healthcare choices should be up to you!

With Genesis Midwifery Services, they are.

Pregnant woman with long, curly hair

Pregnancy is a vulnerable time and women need to feel heard and their healthcare choices respected.

At Genesis Midwifery Services, that is the foundation of our practice—to honor a woman’s innate wisdom.

We are here to guide, support, and educate you about your healthcare choices. The final decisions are always up to you!

 Learn more about the benefits of home birth for healthy, low risk women.

Feel empowered throughout your pregnancy!

Meet Your Certified Nurse Midwife for Lynchburg, VA

Heather Soper, CNM

 How I Work 

You will always see me and only me throughout your pregnancy and postpartum. This allows you to enjoy a strong, trusting partnership with me. You get the time you need to talk things through and you will always have direct access to me through phone, text, or email should you have questions or concerns. 

It’s a holistic approach that empowers you and gives you more control over your healthcare choices. There are no trips to the office. No childcare to arrange. It’s all done within the comfort of your own home. 

To get a more detailed list of what to expect when we work together, click here.

Genesis Midwifery Services is all about services for women. We also offer:

  • nurse holding newborn

    Hospital Births

    In-home prenatal, postpartum, and newborn care and birth in the hospital

  • Sneak Peak logo

    Sneak Peek Clinical Gender Test

    Is it a boy or a girl? Find out as early as 6 weeks with 99% accuracy!

  • reclining smiling brunette woman

    Women's Health

    From birth control counseling to pap smears and preconception visits. All performed in your home.

Newborn caucasian baby

Is home birth really safe?

 In the peer-reviewed Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, a landmark study of almost 17,000 courses of midwife-led care confirmed that for the low risk, healthy pregnant woman, planned home births are safe!

Get more home birth safety info here.

Are we a good fit to work together? 

If you’re a healthy, low-risk woman living in Lynchburg, VA, and would like more control over your pregnancy and healthcare choices, let’s talk!